Jul 05

Invisible or Mist?

Author: Kendra Drake Docker/ comments: 0/ Blog Categories: Change, FEAR, Healing

Hello Gardeners! This weeks seeds for thought are rooted in how we view our self worth. 

I recently returned from my annual sojourn to my happy place, Mackinaw Island. My heart races every single time I make that long trip North. I’ve been making the trip since I was a child. There is an aspect of this sacred journey that is inevitably the highlight of every trip since I can remember: I-75N, two miles past the Wolverine exit, The Mighty Mackinaw Bridge appears on the horizon. She just stands there, like “here I am. So great to see you!” This year was different. There was a thick haze on her. She was issuing warnings on road signs that travel on her would be slow and hazardous. I couldn’t see her at all. Eyes on the road, I continued on. It immediately made me think. I knew she was still there. I didn’t have to see her all majestic and bold. I didn’t have to see her clear and crisp as I always remembered. I knew she was still there. She was simply covered in mist. We all have seasons in our lives where we feel shrouded in mist. Invisible. Unheard. Rejected. It’s just mist. We are still there. We may think we are invisible, yet it’s just external mist. It’s something that will pass.

As the boat traveled under her, I looked up. The mist had lifted, she was there. I simply had to get closer to her. I had to wait for the mist to lift. She was always there. The same is true for you. You may feel like travel on your road is “slow and hazardous” too. When you are faced with a life event that feels like a shadow, a cloud, or a thick mist that makes you feel invisible, know that you are still there, standing tall. Most importantly, there are people who will always get close enough to SEE YOU. Always. 

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